Category: Publicação
Played like a Damn Fiddle: Types and Patterns of Betrayal in Multiplayer Games
In multiplayer games, players will naturally need to interact with one another. Their relationships are not static and evolve over time, because players are people who make their own decisions and have their own perceptions of the game and other players. This means relationships are uncertain, because players can’t know who is trustworthy and who…
Stuck! Stalling in Computer Games
Games are commonly designed to assist players in their progression, maintaining their attention and motivation until they achieve closure while presenting challenges that need to be overcome to progress. But not all games are designed with this in mind, and players do not always play to progress. When that happens, we call it stalling. In computer…
Deception in Video Games: Nine Game Design Patterns
This paper explores deception in video game design, extending beyond conventional gameplay, and interrelating gameplay mechanics, narrative, and player experience with the concepts of aesthetic friction and flow theory. Deceptive strategies and tactics in games engages players by challenging their expectations, altering game structures, and impacting their engagement. Due to their interactive and ludic nature,…
It’s a Trap! A Conceptual Model of Betrayal in Games
In multiplayer games, the other players often become additional features of gameplay, possibly being valuable allies or challenging obstacles. Relationships between players can be uncertain and, usually, degrade into enmity through deception and betrayal. However, depending on the game, the dynamics of relationships can vary greatly, just as the way in which they break into…
Editing Video Streams Through Natural Language Embeddings: Keyframe Sequencing Using Transformers
The automation of video editing processes with artificial intelligence (AI) is a flourishing field of research, whether the purpose is to save labour, or motivate the emergence of unexpected ideas. Informed by theories on human-like reasoning, problem-solving and learning, these technologies can produce video sequences without much human intervention. In this article we showcase the…
Rethinking Media Art in a Time of Pervasive Computation
As its aesthetics, methods, and conceptual focus have, in many respects, merged with those of mainstream contemporary art, the boundaries of media art have become more unclear than when the use of technology in art was more of a rare occurrence. While the term “media art” may be helpful in designating a particular sphere of…
Sound-to-Visual Mapping Strategies in Audiovisual Performance and Installations
This chapter addresses the relationship between sound and visuals in audiovisual interactive projects and describes strategies for synchronizing sound and visuals in real time. It begins with a brief context of sound-image analogies, live visuals, and audiovisual performances. Subsequently, four different case studies are presented: two audiovisual live performances and two audiovisual installations. Their setups,…
Proceedings of xCoAx 2024
The proceedings of xCoAx 2024, the twelfth conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Edited by Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas & André Rangel. Open access Carvalhais, Miguel, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, and André Rangel, eds. 2023. xCoAx 2024: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Treviso: i2ADS.
Arte, Digital, Academia, Museu Zer0
Sabíamos haver na área da arte digital muitos professores que se conhecem e aos seus projetos, mas também muitos que ainda não, e pensámos esta Ágora Interuniversitária como uma plataforma de discussão entre todos, dando oportunidade de, em cada sessão, após uma apresentação inicial, ser gerada discussão, quem sabe despertando para projetos futuros. Open access…
…, Magia, Ritual, Techné, Subjetividade
O ritual é uma tecnologia. Juntamente com as nossas máquinas, artefactos, e outros processos, é parte do technium. Se na Grécia clássica, techné se referia à aplicação prática de conhecimento num qualquer domínio, a como regras, sistemas ou métodos são usados para fazer, um entendimento contemporâneo aponta para uma visão mais estreita, para modos disciplinados…
Computação e o Ensino Superior Artístico Português: Currículos e Práticas nos Cursos de Graduação Públicos
Os cursos de graduação em artes e design têm vindo a incorporar o ensino da computação nos seus programas de estudo. Por meio de uma análise documental dos currículos de 1º ciclo oferecidos pelo subsistema de ensino público de Portugal no ano letivo 2018-19, identificamos 40 cursos de diversas áreas artísticas e de design, frequentados…
Computational Media and the Paradox of Permanence
Throughout history we have sought permanence in media, to store information, communicate, and help us deal with an ever-changing world. Analog media have carried out this task despite their slow, but inevitable, processes of physical decay. Today computational media are seen as fast, cheap, and convenient alternatives for these tasks, even if they are quite…
Aesthetics after the Ontological Turn: An Ecological Approach to Artificial Creativity
The development of chatbots and other generative systems powered by AI, particularly the latest version of ChatGPT, rekindled many discussions on topics such as intelligence and creativity, even leading some to suggest that we may be undergoing a “fourth narcissistic wound”. Starting from Margaret Boden’s approach to creativity, we will argue that if computational systems…
Labels, Music, Technology and Dematerialisation
The history of the music industry is tied up with technologies that mediate or monetise music. These may take various shapes, including performance venues, printing, radio broadcasting and recording, copyrights and royalties and, nowadays, streaming platforms and generative artificial intelligence. Open access Miguel Carvalhais, “Labels, Music, Technology and Dematerialisation.” Break in Case of Emergency: A…
Designing (with) Computational Objects: From Metamedia to Metaenvironments
We live in a regime of computation, a post-digital condition in which we coexist with a technological unconscious that surrounds us and saturates our lives. This paper looks at how this affects us as citizens, and how it transforms our practices as designers, architects, artists, and creators of things. Informed by design, it examines how…